Nur die deutsche Version der AGB ist verbindlich.
Die englische Version dient nur der Bequemlichkeit.
Only the German version of the terms & conditions shall apply.
The English version is only a convenience translation.
Version 13.12.2024
1. How does the Virtual Power Plant work?
1.1. In our Virtual Power Plant (VPP), the batteries of electric cars are connected through our software to form a unified power plant or a "large" electric car battery.
1.2. This allows us to collectively control the batteries, enabling us to sell or purchase electricity collectively on intraday electricity markets.
1.3. This enables us to continuously align the charging times with the lowest prices in intraday electricity trading, thereby carrying out the most cost-effective charging process.
1.4. Through intraday trading, the charging process becomes even cheaper than with optimized charging using day-ahead prices (previous Smart Charging). We share these additional cost savings with participants as a credit to the Ostrom Wallet (see below for details on remuneration).
2. How is the charging controlled?
2.1. Within the Virtual Power Plant time window, the optimization of charging processes is undertaken.During this time window, your electric car must be connected to the charging station and linked to the Ostrom app so that we can control the charging processes and trade the associated energy volumes.
Currently, the charging window is set from 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM.In the future, the Virtual Power Plant time window can be determined flexibly in the Ostrom app.
2.3. The electric cars are charged according to the desired target state of charge, which should be reached by the end of the Virtual Power Plant time window.
2.3. The desired target state of charge can be set by the participants in the "Electric Car" section of the Ostrom App.
3. Who can participate in the Virtual Power Plant?
3.1. All electric car owners of participating electric car brands can participate in the Virtual Power Plant.A list of participating electric car brands can be found here.
3.2. In the future, we will gradually expand the Virtual Power Plant to include additional electric car brands and decentralized power systems (home storage, heat pumps, etc.).
4. How does registration for the Virtual Power Plant work, and what conditions do I agree to?
4.1. If the requirements for participation in the Virtual Power Plant are met (see Section 6), you can register or deregister flexibly via the Ostrom app.
4.2. By registering for the Virtual Power Plant, you agree that we may control and manage the charging process of the participating electric car during the Virtual Power Plant time window to trade the respective electricity volumes on the intraday electricity market.
4.3. You also agree to the additional conditions of our Virtual Power Plant mentioned here.
5. What other requirements are there for participating in the Virtual Power Plant?
5.1. Dynamic tariff and smart meter: To participate in the Virtual Power Plant, the electricity contract used to charge the electric car must be switched to our dynamic tariff (SimplyDynamic).
Each participant requires a smart meter to enable us to receive and bill consumption data.
If you do not yet have a smart meter, you can order one from our website. More information about smart meters can be found here.
5.2. App connection: The participating electric cars must be connected to our Ostrom app to allow us to control the charging processes.
5.3. Availability during the entire Virtual Power Plant time window: The control of charging processes during participation in the Virtual Power Plant takes place during the entire Virtual Power Plant time window.The participating electric cars must be connected to the respective charging station under the SimplyDynamic contract during this time. Otherwise, we cannot manage and optimize the charging processes.
5.4. We reserve the right to reject customers for the Virtual Power Plant who do not meet these criteria.
6. How is participation in the Virtual Power Plant compensated?
6.1. All participants in the Virtual Power Plant who meet the criteria mentioned in 6.2 and 6.3 receive a share of the trading profit proportional to the conducted charging volume.
Example: If the total trading profit per night is €200, and the total charging volume of the electric cars meeting the participation conditions is 5,000 kWh, the individual profit share will be divided between Ostrom and the participant and paid out the morning after the session.
6.2. Compensation will only be provided if the electric car was connected to the charging station for the entire duration of the Virtual Power Plant time window (e.g., from 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM) and could be controlled via our app. Full availability throughout the night is essential; otherwise, we cannot accurately plan the trading of electricity volumes.
6.3. Furthermore, compensation will only be provided if a minimum level of flexible load is available during the charging period. Without this, no intraday adjustments to the charging process can be made to achieve the target state of charge. The available flexible load must be at least 25% of the maximum possible charging volume during the Virtual Power Plant time window.
Example: For an electric vehicle with a battery capacity of 60 kWh, starting at a state of charge of 50% at 10:00 PM and aiming for 100% by 5:00 AM: The target charging volume is 30 kWh. With an 11 kW wallbox, the maximum possible charging volume over seven hours (10:00 PM to 5:00 AM) is 77 kWh (11 kW × 7 h). The difference between the maximum possible charging volume and the target charging volume represents the available flexible load—in this case, 47 kWh. Expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible charging volume, this represents 61%, which is above the 25% minimum threshold.
In this example, compensation would be provided, assuming all other criteria are met.
6.4. The resulting compensation will then be credited to your Ostrom Wallet. In the Ostrom Wallet, you can either apply the credit to your next bill or use it for purchases in the Ostrom Store.
7. How does the billing of electricity costs work?
7.1. The billing for electricity consumed during the charging process is carried out according to the SimplyDynamic tariff, i.e., at the hourly day-ahead market prices (Day-Ahead EPEX prices), including grid fees, levies, taxes, etc. The exact details of the dynamic tariff can be found here.
7.2. Our algorithms, as with our existing Smart Charging service, ensure that your electric car is charged during the hours with the lowest day-ahead prices, resulting in the lowest charging costs for you under the dynamic tariff.
7.3. The compensation resulting from the subsequent optimization of the charging process in intraday electricity trading is independent of the billing under the SimplyDynamic tariff and will be credited to your Ostrom Wallet.
8. How can participation in the Virtual Power Plant be tracked?
8.1. A reporting feature for the Virtual Power Plant will be established in the "Charging Statistics" section of the Ostrom App.
9. How can I deregister from the Virtual Power Plant?
9.1. Flexible registration and deregistration from the Virtual Power Plant can be done via the Ostrom app in the Electric Vehicle section.
10. What liability rules apply?
10.1. Aplus Energy GmbH (Ostrom) is not liable for damages that may arise from the control of charging processes. Claims for damages are excluded regardless of the legal basis.
10.2. This limitation of liability does not apply:
10.2.1. If Aplus Energy GmbH (Ostrom), its legal representatives, or agents acted intentionally or with gross negligence.
10.2.2. For damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health.
10.2.3. In cases of slight negligence, if one of the essential obligations of Aplus Energy GmbH (Ostrom), its legal representatives, or senior executives was breached. In such cases, we are only liable for foreseeable damages that are typically expected to occur. Essential obligations are those that form the foundation of the collaboration under the Virtual Power Plant and on which participants may rely.
11. What other rules apply?
These supplementary conditions for the Virtual Power Plant of Aplus Energy GmbH (Ostrom) apply in addition to:
11.1. The General Terms and Conditions of Aplus Energy GmbH for the supply of electricity (“T&C”),
11.2. The supplementary conditions for the dynamic tariff (“Additional Conditions for the Dynamic Tariff (SimplyDynamic)”),
11.3. The General Terms and Conditions for the installation and operation of metering points (“T&C for the Installation and Operation of Metering Points”), and
11.1. The General Terms and Conditions for Smart Integrations (“T&C for Smart Integrations”).