T&C - Dynamic Tariff

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Only the German version of the terms & conditions shall apply.
The English version is only a convenience translation.

Additional Terms & Conditions of Aplus Energy GmbH for the dynamic tariff (SimplyDynamic)

Version: 28.03.2024

1. Scope of Application

These supplementary Terms and Conditions for the dynamic tariff (SimplyDynamic) of Aplus Energy GmbH apply in addition to or in deviation from the general Terms and Conditions of Aplus Energy GmbH for the Supply of Electricity ("T&C Electricity").

2. Special regulations for the dynamic tariff (SimplyDynamic)

2.1. What is the dynamic tariff (SimplyDynamic)?
With the dynamic tariff, we pass on the electricity price of the wholesale energy market to you, including taxes and levies.

2.2. What is the dynamic tariff (SimplyDynamic)?
In deviation from No. 4.3.1 of the T&C Electricity, the consumption-based energy price contains the following components:
- the spot market price (see no. 6.3 of the T&C Electricity)
- Marketing and sales
- Electricity tax
- Variable grid fees
- Concession fees
- Levy in accordance with the Combined Heat and Power Act (CHP levy)
- Levy in accordance with Section 19 (2) Strom NEV (Section 19 StromNEV levy)
- Levy according to § 17f. EnWG (offshore grid levy)
- Levy in accordance with Section 18 of the Ordinance on Disconnectable Loads (levy for disconnectable loads)
- Certificates of origin
- Miscellaneous

2.3. What is the spot market price?
2.3.1. The spot market price (ct/kWh) corresponds to the spot market prices of EPEX Spot SE. EPEX Spot SE is the European exchange for short-term electricity trading. Among other things, EPEX Spot SE operates the day-ahead electricity market in Germany. The prices for each hour of the following day are determined and published there once a day in EUR per MWh. The calculated prices can be viewed on the EPEX Spot SE website (https://www.epexspot.com/en/basicspowermarket) and in our app in ct/kWh.

2.3.2. The calculated price for each individual hour of the following day is passed on to the customers. For clarification, the spot market prices shall be adjusted automatically and Ostrom shall have no discretion with regard to changing the spot market prices. In this context, Ostrom expressly draws customers' attention to the fact that the prices applicable for each hour of a day are not fixed in advance, but change hourly depending on the spot market prices. This results in both opportunities and risks for customers compared to an electricity contract with a fixed price. For example, spot market prices can fall below prices offered on the market with fixed-price contracts, which can result in (considerable) savings in electricity procurement costs for customers. However, spot market prices can also exceed the fixed price of electricity contracts offered on the market. In the latter case, there is no protection for the customer against electricity costs that may far exceed the price level of comparable fixed-price contracts.

2.4. What type of electricity meter is required for the SimplyDynamic tariff?
The tariff is only offered to customers with an intelligent metering system in accordance with Section 2 No. 7 MsbG. If the customer has an intelligent metering system in accordance with § 2 No. 7 MsbG, which enables the customer's consumption to be transmitted on an hourly basis (collectively referred to as "smart meter"), an hourly allocation shall be made on the basis of the actual energy consumption of the hour in question. An additional prerequisite for the SimplyDynamic tariff is that the metering point operator provides Ostrom with the hourly meter readings in an appropriate form. If the metering point operator does not provide the measured values in a way that Ostrom can bill the tariff in accordance to the contract, we reserve the right to switch the contract to the SimplyFair tariff.

2.5. What happens if I register without a smart metering system?
If the customer registers for the dynamic tariff (SimplyDynamic) even though there is no intelligent metering system in accordance with Section 2 No. 7 MsbG in place, the contract is automatically switched to the SimplyFair tariff.

2.6. How is the electricity supplied with the SimplyDynamic tariff billed?
An hourly allocation is made based on the actual energy consumption in the relevant hour. The invoice is sent to the customer electronically every month by the 15th day. Billing takes place monthly for electricity consumption.