Nur die deutsche Version der AGB ist verbindlich.
Die englische Version dient nur der Bequemlichkeit.

Only the German version of the terms & conditions shall apply.
The English version is only a convenience translation.

General Terms and Conditions of Aplus Energy GmbH

Version 12.08.2024

1. Geltungsbereich

These Supplemental Conditions for Smart Integrations of Aplus Energy GmbH apply in addition to or as a deviation from the General Terms and Conditions of Aplus Energy GmbH for the Supply of Electricity ("AGB Strom")

2. Special Provisions for Smart Integrations

2.1 Our customers have the option to connect, control, and manage smart electricity consumers, generators, and storage devices at their point of consumption (hereinafter referred to as "Smart Devices") via the Ostrom App. For example, the Ostrom App can be used to control the period within which a certain battery level of an electric vehicle should be reached. The Smart Devices compatible with the Ostrom App are listed on our website.

2.2 Furthermore, you can optimize the electricity consumption of Smart Devices under the SimplyDynamic tariff. The Ostrom App can determine the most favorable electricity rates for the Smart Device using an algorithm and optimize electricity supply to the Smart Device accordingly. An intelligent metering system as defined in § 2 No. 7 MsbG is also required for this function.

2.3 Registration, access to the app, and use of the app are free of charge. To control electricity demand via the Ostrom App, you must grant us the necessary control rights in the app.

2.4 The installation of updates for the Ostrom App is a mandatory requirement to ensure that you can use the latest software version and benefit from the newest functionalities. Please note that if updates are not installed, functionality may be limited or not available.

2.5 Our liability is limited to intent and gross negligence. Any further liability is excluded. This exclusion of liability also applies to damages caused by incompatibility, malfunctions, or technical disruptions of the Smart Devices.

2.6 Additionally, the terms of use for our Ostrom App apply.