T&C - Raffle

Nur die deutsche Version der AGB ist verbindlich.
Die englische Version dient nur der Bequemlichkeit.

Only the German version of the terms & conditions shall apply.
The English version is only a convenience translation.

Terms & Conditions of Participation with Privacy Policy - Raffle

Version: 08.12.2023

1. Organizer

1. The organizer of the sweepstake is Aplus Energy GmbH, represented by the managing directors Matthias Martensen and Karl Villanueva, Strassburger Str. 55, 10405 Berlin.

2. This sweepstake is not affiliated with Instagram, Meta Platforms Inc, or any other social media provider on whose platform this sweepstake is announced.

2. Sweepstakes

1. The organizer is organizing a sweepstake. For this purpose, it has provided one or more prizes and will hand over them to the winner or winners in accordance with these terms and conditions. The winners will be determined by drawing lots. A legal claim to a prize is excluded.

2. Participation in the sweepstake is free of charge. Participation does not require the use of any paid services. In particular, participation does not require the conclusion of an electricity supply contract, the purchase of goods or services or the conclusion of any other contract.

3. Participation

1. The participant takes part in the sweepstake by fulfilling the conditions of participation. These include: Following the Instagram profile "ostrom.de" and liking the post with which the sweepstake is published. Further conditions may apply and will be stated in the announcement.

2. The requirements for participation must be met for the entire duration of the sweepstake. The duration is stated in the announcement of the sweepstake.

3. Participants are always only a specific natural person, legal entities, partnerships or groups of persons can not participate in the sweepstake. Multiple participation, for example under a pseudonym or other Instagram accounts, is excluded and leads to exclusion from the sweepstake. Participation by any other means than described in these terms and conditions is excluded.

4. Participation is only possible for persons with legal capacity. Employees of Aplus Energy GmbH are also excluded from participation.

4. Data Protection

By participating in this sweepstake, you consent to the processing of data in accordance with the following statement.

Data Being Processed
- public name of the Instagram profile

From winners, we also request the following data:
- Last name
- First name
- Email Address
- Address

Purpose Of Data Processing
The purpose of the data processing is to carry out the sweepstake, in particular to check the eligibility to participate, to determine and notify the winners and to hand over the prizes.

The winner or winners will be notified by means of a personal message on Instagram. As a participant, you consent to be contacted in this regard.

Legal Basis of Data Processing
If you participate in this sweepstake, you consent to the processing of data for the aforementioned purposes. The data processing is therefore based on your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO). Another legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfillment of a contractual obligation (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO).

Disclosure Of Your Data
For the purpose of prize delivery, your name and address may be passed on to a shipping service provider.

Storage Period
We delete the data collected in the sweepstake no later than three weeks after the conclusion of the sweepstake (winner determination).

We have to store data of winners due to the legal retention periods until their expiry.

Responsible Party

Aplus Energy GmbH
Strassburger Strasse 55
10405 Berlin, Germany
Email: hallo@ostrom.de

We are legally represented by Matthias Martensen and Karl Villanueva.

Data Protection Officer

heyData GmbH
Gormann Straße 14
10119 Berlin, Germany
Email: info@heydata.de