Terms and Conditions - Price Cap

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Additional Terms and Conditions of Aplus Energy GmbH for the Ostrom Electricity Price Cap

Version: 10.01.2024

1. Scope of application

These Additional Terms and Conditions for the Ostrom Price Cap of Aplus Energy GmbH apply in addition to or in deviation from the General Terms and Conditions of Aplus Energy GmbH for the Supply of Electricity („T&C Electricity").

2. Special provisions for the Ostrom price cap

2.1. Who can use the Ostrom price cap?

The Ostrom price cap is an additional module that Ostrom offers in addition to selected tariffs (currently: SimplyFair tariff and the sister tariffs of the SimplyFair tariff in accordance with No. 4.3.5 of the General Terms and Conditions for Electricity) and that can be booked by the customer. The Ostrom price brake is available in these selected tariffs to all customers whose expected annual electricity consumption is less than 15,000 kWh. Customers on other tariffs, in particular the SimplyDynamic tariff, cannot take advantage of this offer. Ostrom reserves the right to reject customers based on the above criteria. In addition, customers whose energy price is already above the applicable maximum price cap (see Section 2.2) when the contract is concluded cannot take advantage of the offer.

2.2. How does the Ostrom price cap work?

The Ostrom price cap sets a maximum price cap for the regular energy price within the respective tariff booked by the customer ("price cap"). The amount of the price limit is determined by the currently valid offer or the Ostrom Price Cap product sheet. The price limit is valid for one year from the start date. If the Ostrom price cap is activated for a tariff booked by the customer, either the working price of the booked tariff or the agreed price cap applies; the lower of the two amounts is always applied as the working price to be paid. The Ostrom price cap applies regardless of a price guarantee for the tariff booked by the customer.

2.3. How long does the Ostrom price cap apply?

The price cap is valid for one year. The start and end date of the Ostrom price cap can be found in the currently valid offer or product sheet.

2.4. What does the Ostrom price cap cost and how is it billed?

A fee is charged for the use of the Ostrom price cap, which is specified in the currently valid offer or product sheet for the Ostrom price cap. The fee is invoiced annually. The due date of the invoice can be found in the currently valid offer or product sheet. Payment is based on the payment method stored in the tariff booked by the customer.

2.5. How can the Ostrom price cap be canceled?

The Ostrom Price Cap must be terminated at least one month before the end of the current term. If the Ostrom Price Brake is terminated prematurely, there is no entitlement to a refund of the fees. The full annual fee will therefore be charged regardless of when the contract is terminated. If no notice of termination is given, the Ostrom price brake is extended and can be terminated at any time with a notice period of one month.